There are many opportunities to serve and grow here at Grace Community Church.



The gospel is at the heart of what we do. We believe that everyone is called to share this good news of Jesus. We further the work by partnering with various mission opportunities around the world.

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Student Ministry

Our Youth Ministry at Grace Community Church is focused on loving and leading the students from 6th-12th grade with and for Jesus Christ! Our goal is for the students to understand, believe, and be willing to teach the Gospel. We do our best to teach our students to live in love with Jesus by emphasizing the importance of consistently reading Scripture, praying without ceasing, and doing life with other believers (Acts 2:42-47). Our focus is to love and serve the students in an effort to have them follow us as we follow Jesus. We love and pray for each student individually to the best of our ability! We want to minister to our students and prepare them to graduate high school and go out into their adult lives with a thriving relationship with Jesus Christ!

Gear’ed Up Kid

Gear’ed Up Kid is the upcoming Children’s ministry and is a loving, welcoming environment for our elementary aged kids. Our goal is to provide a foundation for a thriving relationship with God. We aim to do this by teaching our young disciples how to read scripture, pray, and live a life with God as the center. Our team leads with love, faith, and grace. We pray regularly for each little disciple and their families. With our leaders as an example, along with our church community, Children’s ministry works hand in hand with the youth ministry and the rest of the church to come alongside parents. It takes a village to raise a child. At Grace Community Church, every child will have a loving, fruitful church to excitedly help them be “geared up” towards a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Sunday School

At Grace Community Church we believe God’s word to be holy and God breathed. Therefore, we find small group Bible study essential to the spiritual growth of the believer.  We gather each Sunday morning to dive into God’s word and help each other develop a deeper understanding of scripture and how it applies to our daily walk.  This is a more intimate setting than the worship service and allows for questions to be asked and for believers to know each other deeper.  It is not only a time of learning God’s word, it is also a time of sharing praises for what God has done in our lives and seeking prayer support from our brothers and sisters in Christ.